Survey We want to hear from you! Please take our Addison Township survey. Survey In the past 4 years, how have you learned about Addison Township operations? (Check all that apply) * I visited township offices in person I visited the township website I received communication from the township at my home I heard about the township from employees/officials at a community event I heard from candidates when they were running for office in 2017 I have not heard about township operations in the past 4 years. What information would you like to see on the Addison Township Website? (check all that apply) * meeting minutes and agendas township budgets and audits proposed and adopted ordinances detailed descriptions of available services directory of contact information for township officials and employees links to other organizations/agencies that provide community services calendar of upcoming events other (please explain below) If you checked "other" above, please list what other things you'd like to see on the Addison township website. Which Addison Township services have you or anyone you know used in the past 4 years? * assessor's office food pantry emergency general assistance passport application recycling event other (please list below) none If you checked "other" above, please list the other services used here. Which services would you like Addison Township to provide in the future? * senior center with regular programming (or virtual programming during health emergency) job seeking/training assistance community lending closet for donated items such as crutches, walkers, or shower seats. youth and family services other (please list below) none If you checked "other" above, please list the other services you'd like Addison Township to provide Rate your overall level of satisfaction with Addison Township government (choose one) * very satisfied somewhat satisfied neither satisfied nor dissatisfied somewhat dissatisfied very dissatisfied Please use this space to include your additional comments about the past, present, and/or future of Addison Township government. If you'd like for one of our candidates to contact you about this survey, please add your NAME and e-mail or phone number in the boxes below. Email Phone Number reCAPTCHA Submit